MAIN BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY - Geographical information
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Jul 27, 2019


Main Branches of Geography

In geography, there are 2 main branches

                       A.      Systematic geography
                       B.      Regional geography

A. Systematic geography: In systematic geography, we try to understand how the different elements of the geography work alternatively with intermediate laws and they exchange the different characteristics with each other elements. There are three types of  systematic geography:

1.       Physical geography
2.       Biogeography
3.       Human geography 


      It is the study of the physical aspect of the earth. The physical elements like the relief of the landforms, the air of the atmosphere, water of the river- sea-ocean of the earth, soil, and solid earth.

According to Arthur Holmes: “the study of the physical environment by itself is physical geography which includes consideration of surface relief of the globe(geomorphology), of the sea and the ocean(oceanology), and of the air (meteorology and climatology).”

main branches of geography

        A.      Geomorphology: Geomorphology came from the 3 Greek word geo or ge (earth), morphe(form) and logos(discourage).it is the study of the earth’s surface features, description of the formation of the landforms, origin, development, nature and formation processes of geomorphology.
It’s mainly explained about relief features, shapes, and approaches of the landforms.

       B.      Oceanology: It is the study of the sea and ocean as part of the hydrosphere. It is the combination of the study of the description and analysis of the physical and biological aspect of the ocean. It is explained marine geology, marine geomorphology, physical oceanography (structure, ocean deposits), the chemistry of the ocean water and biogeography (plant, fish, animals). 

       C.      Climatology: Climatology and meteorology are described as the gases of the atmosphere.  it is the study of the gaseous surrounding around the earth. The characteristics and components of the gaseous envelop of the climatology, we have to study about the weather, climate of any region it can be small or large scale. It explains about the temperature, pressure, wind (flow direction), moisture, cloudiness/ cloud formation, precipitation, air movement around the earth.

       D.      Hydrology: In hydrology, we study about the role of the water in smaller to the bigger medium of the earth surface. We have to study of the water from the vapor formation to cloud formation to precipitation to surface flow through the pond, river, sea- ocean to groundwater recharge even the storage of the water as ice in the high latitude.

       E.       Soil geography: Soil geography and pedology are same. It is the study of the upper layer of the earth’s crust and the main sources of the nutrition for plant and human as well as the animal kingdom. We have to study the origin, classification, physical properties like texture, structure; chemical properties like nutrient, distribution around the earth, influences of soil types in agriculture, soil degradation, land reclamation etc.

       F.       Geo-tectonic:  It has a relationship with the geomorphology. We study how the internal and external source of energy influence the formation of the earth’s surface. Sources are like plate movement, earthquake, weathering influence the formation of folds-faults in the mountain desert, plain land, etc.

       G.      Astronomy: From the ancient time, the study of the outer space as part of the geography. The study of the origin of the galaxy, big bang theory, the position of planets, stars was a branch of geography. It helped the boatmen to decide the paths in the ocean as the navigation system.

       H.      Cartography: In physical geography, cartography study came with the help of astronomy science. It is the graphical representation of the world in 2 or 3 dimensions in the paper. Ptolemy was the first draw the cartography.


       Biogeography is situated between physical and human geography. The main study of the biogeography focus on plants, animals, and human. The subdivision of the biogeography are as follows:
main branches of physical geography

A.      Plant geography: Plant geography and botany are the studies about the plants in the natural environment. It is the main source, food of the life of the animals as well as the human. We learn how the plant growth, the evolution of species, inhabits.

B.    Zoogeography: On earth, the role of animals is also important as a part of the food cycle, zoology of the environment. Zoo geography also explain the evolution and distinction of different types of the organisms over time and space with the help of the geological timescale and rock strata.

C.      Human ecology: The human is the main living organism of the earth as the most civilized one among the living animals and human ecology means the habitats of the human. In human ecology, we get to know about Human and nature interaction, how human evolution took place with changing environment over time and space.

D.      Environment geography: The environment is part of geography as well as science. The study of environment geography explains the also environmental issues, degradation, result and conservation through the sustainable development, how the changing environment (greenhouse gas emission, pollution, soil degradation, etc) influences the life of the animal plants as well as human over time and space.


      Human geography is the major part of the systematic geography as human are the main element of the nature and studying man and its culture-society-occupation are the key points to study human geography. The sub-branches of human geography as follows:

main branches of geography

A.      Population geography: The population is the key factor of human geography. So, in population geography, we study the demography about of the living population over, the shape of the population growth trend, death rate, birth rate, migration in different countries, how different push and pull factors affect on population composition and distribution over time and space.

B.      Settlement geography: It is the study of the earth as a habitat for the human population. In settlement geography, we study about the settlement evolution and distribution, types and shape of the settlements, functions of the different settlement types, evolution and distribution of rural and urban settlement over time and space.

C.      Social geography: Human is a social animal. We can’t live alone. In social geography, we study about the surrounding of the human, different types of groups, religion, caste, social stratification, social norms (dowry system, criminal activity, etc), social interaction, etc.

D.      Cultural geography: Human improves himself with the help of his culture. In cultural geography, we talk about education, belief system, cultural thought processes, rules and behaviors of the human. Its cultural geography we also study about the dominance of strong culture over the weak cultural groups, distribution(horizontal) and assimilation of the culture over time and space.

E.       Political Geography: Political geography talks about the population, country, state, its territory, international relationship or geopolitics with other countries. Political geography helps us to understand how international relationships, political diplomacy, international organization (UNITED NATIONS) influence peace over countries.

F.       Medical geography: It is the new branch of the geography. It describes about the reason and distribution of the epidemics and pandemics disease, illness, death and providing health care (preventing and treatment of the disease) in the affected areas.

G.      Economic geography: It is the study of all types of occupation and its relation with the economy. The role of the economic geography is important as it pillar of the nation. The economic activities like agriculture, manufacture, transport, international trade, tourism industry. Its focus on the distribution of raw materials, production, revenue, and the locational factors.

H.      Historical geography: Historical geography explains about the human and nature’s interaction in the past, a state, and its society and the economy changed through time and how environment and culture influenced on the evolution of civilization in the past.

B. BRANCHES OF REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY:  the 2nd branch of geography is regional planning. It is the study of location (small or big) on the earth which have the same nature of the human and nature, and characteristics like relief, climate, soil social and cultural similarities. Regional planning has 4 branches. There are as follow:


1.       Regional survey: in the regional survey, we have collected data of the region’s relief, socio-economic and cultural data like population, religion, food habit, occupation type, etc. through the collecting data we can understand the region from the primary level and it is possible with on the ground level Field survey.

2.       Regional development: The regional development we try to equilibrium the development of socio-economic and cultural disparities between different regions. Digital cartography plays an important role in this.

3.       Regional planning: Regional planning describes how to take steps to develop a region with nature and future potentialities to improve the selected area. GIS, GPS and remote sensing help to identify in macro and meso level economic planning.

4.       Regional Analysis: Regional analysis gives the full picture of the region’s natural and economic situation with the help of statistics and mapping.

There are also new branches, which will explore in the future. Like
tourism geography, etc.

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